Georgia Nutritional Services, Inc. | Conyers, Ga | CACFP


Georgia Nutritional Services, Inc (GNSI) is a licensed 501(c)3 non-profit sponsorship for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). CACFP is a federally funded nutrition reimbursement program that is often referred to as the “Food Program.” Georgia Nutritional Services administers the CACFP and disperses those funds to hundreds of clients who are licensed Daycare Home Providers, Child Daycare Centers, Adult Daycare Centers, At-Risk and Summer Food Service (SFSP) Programs.


Georgia Nutritional Services, Inc. is an administrative sponsor for CACFP in Georgia for the following programs:

  • Licensed Daycare Centers
  • Licensed Daycare Homes
  • Afterschool Programs
  • Adult Daycare Centers
  • Summer Food Service Program


Non-Profit organizations are automatically eligible and must have tax exempt status under IRS Code 501©3. For-Profit organizations may participate if 25% or more of enrolled children (or licensed capacity) receive Title XX funds (DFCS for 69/77/Maximus). For-Profit organizations may also participate if 25% of enrolled children or licensed capacity, or whichever is less, are eligible for free and reduced-price meals. CONTACT our office for full disclosure of eligibility!

The basic requirements to receive reimbursement for the CACFP are:

  • Maintain health and sanitation requirements so the food you serve will be safe

  • Follow USDA, Bright from the Start, and GNSI policies and procedures.

  • Prepare and serve meals that meet USDA meal pattern requirements.

  • Record accurately the number of children you serve meals to daily

  • Follow record keeping requirements and rules of the program.

  • Promote the safety and well-being of the children in your care


Working with Georgia Nutritional Services, Inc. and Bright from The Start provides your facility with an added value that can be passed on to the children and parents of your center!

  • Parents can be assured their children are receiving well balanced, nutritious meals

  • Parents can save dollars on food components they supply because centers can receive reimbursement for children with dietary needs by purchasing the foods and claiming the meals served to participants.

  • Children can be served a varied menu by daycare facilities introducing news foods to children participating in the meal service.

  • Children can experience an enhanced food service by centers ensuring foods that are served incorporate different textures, temperatures, colors, shapes, sizes and flavors.

  • Participating in CACFP equals dollars for daycare facilities.

  • Eligible centers can enhance their meal service to meet the new meal pattern changes with ease.

  • Daycare facilities have the satisfaction of knowing they are helping children develop healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime.

  • Centers can relax knowing they have a reliable, knowledgeable, friendly and proactive Sponsor in GNSI to guide you through the food program’s requirements.

The daycare facility may be reimbursed for approved meal patterns up to 2 meals and 1 snack or 2 snacks and 1 meal per child enrolled per day!



Georgia Nutritional Services’ goal is to help daycare home providers, adult and child care facilities and At-Risk programs understand the importance of child nutrition during the developmental stages of life.

We provide guidance and oversight of their participation in CACFP by:

  1. Providing unlimited training and support to make the best nutrition choices when feeding adults and children with the nutrients needed for their bodies and minds to develop

  2. Providing annual training at no cost which may also be counted towards your annual licensing training hours

  3. Processing monthly claims to ensure accurate and timely reimbursements are dispersed

  4. Providing electronic direct deposit of reimbursements to expedite the process

  5. Providing free access through a web-based CACFP software program (Minute Menu HX for Daycare Homes and Minute Menu CX for Daycare Centers)

  6. Providing well balanced monthly menus that are affordable with a variety of nutritional components

  7. Determining categorization of all Income Eligibility Statements

In the state of Georgia, CACFP federal funds are administered by Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL): Bright from the Start (BFTS).    Our clients are reimbursed monthly for the nutritional meals served to their participants that meet federal nutritional guidelines.  Child care facilities receive reimbursement for up to two meals and a snack or two snacks and a meal, per child per day.


Our Team

Deborah Wilson Founder & Executive Director
Shelby Beverly 1
Mandi Dyes
Jolene Cesenas
Peter Lee
Marcia Dodson
Christine Gillison’s
Sherrie Sconier
Brian Young
Assata Dyes

Deborah Wilson
Founder & Executive Director

  Amanda Dyes


Jolene Cesenas

Brenda Tate

Peter Lee

   Christine Gillison

     Jacques Baya

Brian Young

 Carmichael  James


Janice Mesidor

Angelina Gillison

Nicole Borne